Fairfax Bird & Butterfly Garden

Greenway Arts Alliance listened to the administration of Fairfax High School in their concern about this location on campus. They tasked us with beautifying the space, and Greenway Arts decided to create a student opportunity from this directive.
From this concern came the Greenway Garden Design Internship, a paid internship for two Fairfax High School students. 4 students applied and two were selected for the opportunity.
The student interns learned about Garden Design through “Gaia’s Garden” by Toby Hemenway and the Sunset Western Garden guide.
With this new knowledge, the students created a survey for anyone on campus to give their feedback on what they would like to see in this space. The interns promoted the survey and we printed a link to the survey on signs placed in the space.
We received over 50 responses to the survey, which informed the directions of the design.
Drought Tolerant and Native California Plants were selected for the requested properties of:

  1. Attracting Hummingbirds and Butterflies
  2. Being conducive for an aromatherapy garden
  3. Having something flowering throughout the year
  • Role Teaching Artist
  • For Greenway Arts Alliance’s Garden Design Program
  • Date January 2019 – PRESENT

End of the 1st Semester, the Butterfly & Hummingbird Garden at Fairfax High is colorful and bright!

The site before cultivation. Notice the state of the Coral Tree.

Fairfax Cheer Leading Team Volunteers to help our interns add soil amendments and mulch one Sunday during MTP.

Mulch, Compost, Leaves & Coffee Grounds

After a job well done!

Planted the first Drought Tolerant California Native Plants. They need time to establish. Planter came to life after amendments and mulch were added. Grass and Coral tree grew significantly.

We found this piece with a lion in the middle for the star jasmine to grow on.

A whimsical bird bath made with stacked pots and a repurposed pasta bowl

The Coral Tree came back to life with the nutrients, water, and love the students put into the garden. This cable spool is now a planter for more star jasmine.

We installed an in-ground bird bath that is friendly for insects too.

The interns painted on rocks to encourage community members to smell the Hummingbird Sage.

Repurposed a chair into a planter too!

FHS’s new hummingbird and butterfly garden.

Panorama photo with an intern resting after a lot of hard work!

Panorama photo of the Hummingbird and Butterfly Garden.